Unlike the old phones on the PPS system, the handsets cannot be restarted remotely. Any change to the phone that requires a restart will require it be done manually using one of the below methods. 

In order to restart (turn the handset off and back on) there are two options: three-button combination and unplugging the cable. See below for instructions on the processes.

Three-button option

Hold the 0, 1 and 3 buttons together until the phone shuts off. You can release the phone after it's shut off; it will turn itself back on.

Unplugging the cable

If your handset has a power cable (the connector is a small "barrel") you can unplug that from the backside of the phone. Plugging it back in will turn the phone back on.

If your handset does not have a dedicated power cable and only has an ethernet cable (the same kind we plug into your computer for internet) you can unplug that cable from the backside of the phone. Plugging it back in will turn the phone back on.

If you require further assistance after going through this knowledge article, please submit a ticket at support.collegehouses.upenn.edu.