In order to download the PennFlex Mobile Client on your personal mobile device, please navigate to the app store for your phone operating system—the App Store for iOS, the Play Store for Android.

Search for Webex (not Webex Meetings or Webex Teams) and then download it. The logo for the app should will like this:

Once downloaded, open the app and select Sign in. You will sign in using your UPenn email address. This should direct you to the PennKey login splash page. Once successfully authenticated, you will be brought to the app's Contacts page. It will look like this:

Once signed in, you will be able to make and receive calls using your primary on-campus Penn phone number. As a reminder, shared lines are not compatible with the soft client because a line needs to be assigned to a user to be usable on the app, and a user cannot be assigned multiple primary lines.

A full user guide can be found in this support article from CHAS.

If you require further assistance after going through this knowledge article, please submit a ticket at